208 North Vila street
Tehran, Iran
Sat - Wed
8.00 - 17.00

Deralok Hydropower Plant

Client Ministry of Electricity of Kurdistan
Location Kurdistan, Iraq
Scope Of Work Construction (C)

Project Detail

Project Overview
Construction of Deralok Hydropower dam was awarded to Boland Payeh in an international tender. Deralok dam is BP’s first dam project in Iraqi Kurdistan and is financed by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
To complete this project, more than 8,410,000 cubic meters of concrete and 9,250,000 tons of reinforcement rebar should be placed and 910,000 cubic meters of earthwork performed.
Upon completion, Deralok Hydropower dam will help supply required electricity for Kurdistan region and control floods. This project is scheduled to be completed on 2017.


Key Facts
Concrete: 8,410,000 m3
Reinforcement rebar: 9,250,000 tons
Earthwork: 910,000 m3